Struggling to find quality one-on-one time with your kids? Same here! Since having more children it’s been hard to find solo time with each child. However, when I am able to commit time to each child, I can tell right away they enjoy such an effort… and so do I! There are so many fun and easy kids activities to choose from, but I have narrowed them down to 50 fun ideas for one-on-one time with your kids.

What are the benefits of one-on-one time with your kids?
Spending individual time with each child is important! Put your phone down and play with each on of your kids. The benefits are endless, but a few I have noticed are:
- Spending alone time with your child builds their self-esteem and confidence.
- It allows them to open up and share their personalities in a unique way.
- Strengthens your bond together as parent and child.
- Making memories that will last a lifetime.
50 ways to spend one-on-one time with your kid
Don’t waste your time researching things to do with kids. Save your time doing these activities with your children. I have found the best ways to spend quality time with them no matter their age or environment.
Fun things to do with toddlers
- Storytime at a local library
- Indoor playground
- Draw with chalk on the sidewalk
- Blow bubbles
- Make discovery bottles and play with them.
- Play with balloons
- Sing songs and dance together
- Paint with toothbrushes or q-tips/finger paint
Indoor play ideas for kids
- Rainbow Science Experiment
- Rain cloud in a jar science experiment
- Play Board Games
- Bake cookies
- Make yogurt popsicles
- Build with Legos or magnet blocks
- Solve a puzzle
- Karaoke
- Play a dancing game
- Make Slime
- Read a book together
- Cook dinner together.
- Build a fort out of a cardboard box or blankets and pillows
- Living Room sleepover with movie night
- Go through old photos
- Karaoke
- Draw pictures and/or color (I love these water coloring books)
- Play Roll the Dinosaur Game
Outdoor play ideas for kids
- Play with sand
- Going for a walk
- Playing tennis
- Going to the playground
- Hiking
- Play in a kiddie pool
- Backyard camp out
- Walk your dog together
- Make a time capsule
- Have a scavenger hunt (could be indoors too)
- Plan a picnic
More Kid-friendly date ideas
- Seeing a movie
- Enjoying some ice cream
- Bowling
- Manicure/Pedicure
- Surprise your kid and bring them a special lunch at their school.
- Take a class together.
- Attend a live performance like a play or musical.
- Go to a live sports event or kid-friendly concert.
- Museum
- Have a spa day!
- Do a random act of kindness
- Volunteer
- Buy a Pogo Pass and visit any a fun family destinations

Short on time but still want to show your kids you care?
Write notes or print lunch jokes to place in their lunch boxes.
Pin to share with others!
If you love these kids’ activities, you will love all the ones I am pinning right now. Follow me on Pinterest for more family fun ideas.