Try this cleaning bingo game to get your kids motivated to clean and tidy your home. This free cleaning game bundle comes with four bingo cards and one reward sheet. Keep reading to learn how to play and get the clean and organized home you deserve.

Simple Ways to Get Kids to Clean
Several studies have shown that a cluttered home can lead to depression and anxiety. That’s reason enough to (try) to keep the house clean because parenting is stressful enough. Throw a pandemic in the mix and it seems overwhelming.
Cleaning with children in the house can feel like it’s a losing battle, but there’s hope! Here are some simple tips to maintain a clean and healthy home. Make sure you check out the best age-appropriate chores for kids to delegate the right chores to the right child based on their age and maturity level.
Define expectations but be realistic
Be specific when asking kids to clean. Telling a young child to “clean their room” might be too vague. Instead, be detailed on tasks. For example, “Please wipe down the light switches,” or “Place your shoes on your shelf in your closet.”

Put it in Writing
A chore chart is a great way to keep cleaning organized and on track for everyone in the family. When the days get away from us a list of cleaning tasks can be helpful to stay organized. I use this weekly cleaning schedule to keep my cleaning tasks organized.
Show Praise
I remember the first time my daughter mopped our kitchen floor. You would’ve thought she won a gold medal in cleaning the way I reacted. The smile on her face was priceless and she took pride in her efforts. Kids need to know they are on the right track by praise and recognition.
Make Cleaning Fun
Sounds impossible to make cleaning fun but it can be done. Creating incentives can help motivate children to clean. Rewards could be an increase in allowance, watching a favorite movie, or a special outing. Cleaning Bingo is one of our favorite cleaning games. Get this game below!

Free Cleaning Bingo Printable game
This cleaning bingo game is perfect for preschool and elementary-aged kids. This free printable PDF comes with four bingo cards and one cleaning bingo reward sheet to create six rewards.

Cleaning Bingo Supplies
- Paper Trimmer – This helps me cut straighter.
- Scissors
- White Paper or Cardstock – I find cardstock paper looks best and makes the colors really pop!
- Printer
- Optional – Laminate the printable Bingo Cards and use washable markers to mark squares. Doing this will allow players to reuse bingo cards more than once.
How to play Cleaning Bingo
- First, download and print the Cleaning Bingo Game pdf by subscribing below or purchasing it here.
- Next, determine what the rewards will be for winning a BINGO. There are two ways to do this. One is a parent determines the rewards or parents can allow the children to select the rewards. I compromised and had one reward as ‘Mom’s choice’ while they wrote the rest. Cut out reward cards and place them in a bowl.

3. Let the kids know which Bingo method you will be playing. Here are the most popular ways to play Bingo.
- Traditional Bingo – Players who fill a row, column, or diagonal can call Bingo!
- Four Corners – Players must fill the squares that are the four corners of the bingo card to win.
- Full House – Players must fill all squares on the card to win.
- Letter Patterns – Players must fill the squares to indicate a particular letter, Popular letters are W, Z, E, L, and X.
4. Now the cleaning magic begins. As kids complete each task they mark that square off. For example, my daughter chose to take out the trash. After she did that cleaning task, she marked an X on that square.

5. Once the player gets a BINGO, he or she yells BINGO! Then, they get to pick a reward out of a bowl. It’s that simple!

More Cleaning Tips and Printables
- 31 Day Declutter Challenge – Overwhelmed with clutter? Take it one day at a time with this decluttering calendar.
- Tips for Cleaning and Disinfecting your Home – Disinfecting myths busted!
- Spring Cleaning Challenge – Does your home need a refresh? Try this!
Download the cleaning game
Enter your first name and email address below to get the free printable file. You’ll be sent an email that you will need to confirm and then you will be sent the PDF. Download and print at home with a few clicks on quality paper!
Don’t want to opt in to an e-newsletter for a free printable PDF? I sell my printables for a minimal fee to support my business. Shop printables here.
Does your family love to play fun bingo games? We have a variety of bingo templates to choose from. Check out these free bingo cards:
- Holiday Photo Bingo
- Red Carpet Bingo
- Road Trip Bingo
- Thanksgiving Bingo
- St. Patrick’s Bingo
- Slow Summer Bingo
- Barbie Bingo
Looking for more free printable games?
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