The 31 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge is here and if you have been following me for some time, you know I love a good challenge. (Example: Declutter Challenge). There’s something about having a list or calendar that lays out small tasks that light my fire. The organization and ease of the challenge help me accomplish such a large project. I tend to shut down when faced with huge projects that seem impossible to finish.

Why participate in the 31 Day Spring Challenge?
Now is the best time to clean
By starting now, your home will be clean and ready before Summer hits. Let’s face it – once the kids are home from school it’s harder to clean. If they are home, have them do these age-appropriate chores for kids. Also, most families travel and spend a lot of time outdoors. I know for me, Summer is a hard time focusing on adulting things.
Say goodbye to the winter
Spring cleaning is also a time to wipe away winter. Perhaps your home has accumulated a lot of dust from heating your home over the cold season which the low humidity contributes to.
Spring cleaning increases productivity
Having a clean and decluttered home increases productivity. This is very important if you work from home like I do. When my house is dirty and chaotic, I have a really hard time focusing. I feel like I should be cleaning instead of working. That alone can be very distracting. By cleaning small areas each day it helps avoid huge messes that seem impossible to clean.
Spring cleaning is good for your body and soul
Cleaning can reduce stress, helps you focus, and reduce allergy attacks caused by dirt, mold, and mildew. For example, cleaning your car’s air filters can help your family breathe easier with less dirt. Rage cleaning is something I tend to do that helps burn stress instantly. Okay, maybe I am weird. Does anyone else do this?
What does the 31 Day Spring Challenge include?
Our Spring Cleaning challenge includes both inside and outside the home areas including outdoor living and vehicles. Let’s face it, as a busy mom on the go I spend a ton of time inside my car. It is my home for the most part. By breaking up spring cleaning into 31 days you can really focus on one small area per day to see a big difference once the challenge is completed.
The beauty of this spring cleaning plan is that you can start really at any moment. Feel free to combine days if you would like a day off. There is no judgment or pressure when it comes to the calendar.
How to successfully complete the Spring Cleaning Challenge
Print and display the free Spring Cleaning Challenge Calendar. Subscribe and your printable will be emailed to you instantly.
Get an accountability partner in addition to your spouse. There will be days you will not feel motivated to clean. You need someone to remind you about the end goal. Join our decluttering group if you need more support and tips to live a simplified and cleaner life.
Get to work! Like anything in life, you have to put in the work to reap the rewards. Once you get to the finish line, you will feel amazing knowing your home is in mint condition. Cheers, and hoping your home stays clean for a bit. I know that can be really hard with small children and pets.
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