This free printable morning routine for kids will help keep chaos at bay. Can we all agree that trying to get children out of the house on time is stressful? Not to mention trying to arrive at school on time with everything they need. I have learned that having things organized the night before improves our morning flow. If I do not prepare ahead of time, our mornings are crazy and everyone is frantic… okay, maybe just me is frantic. Everyone else seems to be moving at a snail’s pace. Try this Free Daily Planner to stay organized throughout the week. Check out Best Time-Saving Hacks for Moms.

This checklist for kids will help them stay on track with their morning tasks. It also helps parents remember everything. I know I have been guilty of forgetting tasks when we are in a hurry to get out of the house. What I love about this morning routine is that it gives kids responsibility and tasks at an early age.

How to use the morning routine checklist for kids
There are many different ways to display this morning routine checklist. Consider using a laminator and purchasing a dry erase marker so kids can reuse and check off their tasks as they finish them. There can be something rewarding for them to see their accomplishments achieved.
Another way to use this printable is to simply display it in a photo frame or some sort of display like I did show above. Display this morning tasks checklist in an area such as your child’s bathroom or bedroom.

How to download the kids’ morning routine printable

More organized morning routine tips for your family
A morning routine checklist will definitely help keep your kids on track, but there are more tips to stay organized. Here are five morning hacks to make your day more productive. Planning your schedule ahead of time with our weekly planner and daily planner will help make sure your family is all on the same page with your after-school activities. What organizational tips do you have that work for your family? Please share in the comments!
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